mY aGe aRe iNcReAs€
Happy new year????maka dengan itu makin increase my age. Oh no....every year xsempat nak rasa muda, tetiba dah ehem dewasa.....bukan TUA ok...hehee....Tahun nih missing la kek dan sambutan harijadi from my lovely family. WHY????cos aku di perantauan...nak blk tp tngh final exam so xdapat la...
No hal la...xdak kek from my mum but she wish for my Birthday very early...hakhak...before the time and the date....THANK MAK...cos always remember it..(blk t nak tuntut makanan sedap2...hehehe, KEK xnak)
Malam Birthday aku nih, serious aku stress......stress tahap ape pown xtahu lah nak cakap...sebab esok nya aku da exam...exam subject yang memang aku anggap susuh.....dekat hati nih terlalu risau and gementar.... but like myroomate cakap, relax and banyak berdoa...insyaallah everything will be ok and fine...thanks for thats word.
Disebabkan aku stress on my birthday, next day nyer(time SITINURHALIZA celebrate birthday die) my roomate give me surprise.....hakhakhak(time nih aku da nak tido sebab dah habis menjawab subject yg susuh). So sweet and creative....apew2 THANK YOU VERY MUCH to PIQA, TIKAH & AMNI.
LOve u year bagi kek besar plak k... :)
Rizal and Wanie..thanks jgk cos bagi gift kat aku....dah besar2 dapat teddybear lag kan...tapi 2 la yang aku suke...heehe...thanks guy...akan ingt korang bila aku pandang angry bird and stitch 2... :)
next year bagi lagi taw..cukup 4 tahun kat sana banyak teddy aku dapat...like100x...hehehe
From he that stay so far from me...just call and wish but he sad, i'm waiting and waiting...errr last2 dah pukul bapa pagi baru wish.....xpe lah dah terlupa...(dlm hati sedih cos hari penting pown xingt). Next year xnak lagi wat wat jgk...errr boikot...hehehe
ok la mlas nak cite panjang2 so cam besa aku share pic okeys...wat cuci mata....daaaa bye2..wasalam
from roomate
From rizal and wanie
This is from mysweet person....thanks okey...:)
will remember it...
p/s: setiap yang kite dapat patut dihargai...walau ia simple but it give a meaning... (^_^)